ai Data Services Group

About Us

AI Data Services Group has more than 45 years experience in meeting clients' business technology and data processing needs. What began as a support center within AI Software Solutions, is now our Data Services Group.

Outsourcing your fulfillment services to a competent, experienced provider allows you to focus your efforts on what you do best.

We continue to build upon our relationships with our customers by providing efficient, flexible and accurate solutions to data entry, subscription fulfillment, reader service card fulfillment, literature fulfillment and many other data management challenges.

Businesses today align themselves with partners who bring a wealth of experience and success to the marketplace. Today, we've enhanced our services offering integrated print and web based fulfillment solutions for our clients.

We deliver Peace of Mind

We can help develop or refine your fulfillment programs and provide solutions that will increase your turn-around time and delivery and improve your overall customer satisfaction.